Site design and construction by Bunch Web Development
Costumes by Anne Peabody
Films for “Vulture Peak” and “I, Beaver” by Mark McKeown
Videos of performances by AI and The Web by Fred Klein, Mary Fugatt-Willis and Ben Bunch
Photos by Jason Loewenstein, Darren Rappa, Tim Furnish, Mary Fugatt-Willis, Anne Peabody, Deb Pastor, Gary Pahler (cf. “The Palin Diptych“) and Bryan Zimmerman
Additional Azuza heraldry by Mark McKeown
Allies of Azuza: Thordis Adalsteinsdottir, David Herbert, Laura Ortman, Rude Weirdo, Ut Gret, The Phantom Family Halo, The Afrophysicists, Ben Bunch, Kira Green, Crappy Nightmareville, Noise Pollution and Loyalty and Blood
Knight of the Inkh: Jason Noble